

The Weaponization of Homophobia in Pre-Election Poland

In the past weeks, Poland has seen an increased mobilization of homophobia. As the presidential elections took place this Sunday, these occurrences are clearly an escalation of pre-election tactics. Several politicians of the currently governing right-wing party ‘Law and Justice’ (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS) have explicitly proclaimed that LGBTQ* people are ‘not humans’ but an …
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“Nothing more practical than a good theory” – Vom Nutzen engagierter Forschung für den gegenwärtigen HIV/Aids-Aktivismus

“When I was invited to participate in this project, I was very sceptical about it. I was wondering: Why do ordinary people want to engage with something that is so academic? And we don’t need so much of an academic discussion!” Als Wojciech Tomczyński vom polnischen HIV/Aids-Netzwerks Sieć Plus auf der Abschlusskonferenz unseres europäischen Forschungsprojekts …
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