#nachgefragt: Das Podcastformat des Genderblogs

Episode 7 (engl.):
Transcendance, Time, and Feminism – An Interview on Simone de Beauvoir
with Kate Kirkpatrick and Martina Bengert


Transcript of the episode as PDF-file


“I am awfully greedy; I want everything from life. I want to be a woman and to be a man, to have many friends and to have loneliness, to work much and write good books, to travel and enjoy myself.” Simone de Beauvoir, Letter to Neson Algren, 1947

In this episode philosopher Kate Kirkpatrick (Oxford) talks about one the most famous French writers, philosophers and feminists of the 20th century: Simone de Beauvoir  (1908-1986). Kirkpatrick explains how freedom, transcendance and labor are linked in Beauvoir’s oeuvre and why it is important to listen carefully to Beauvoir’s polyphonic writing – not only in her literary texts but also in ‚The Second Sex‘ .


Kate Kirkpatrick is a philosopher based in Oxford, where she is Tutorial Fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford. Her areas of specialisation include Post-Kantian Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, Moral Formation and the Philosophy of Religion. She is the author of the internationally acclaimed biography ‚Becoming Beauvoir: A Life‘, in addition to numerous essays, in which she asks witty questions such as “why do we neglect and disdain the one vulnerable group we all eventually will join – [the elderly]?”. In 2021 she was awarded a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship to write a philosophical commentary on Simone de Beauvoir’s ‚The Second Sex‘, which she is currently working on.

Martina Bengert is a Junior Professor of Literature, Religion, and Gender Studies in Romance cultures at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research interests and areas of specialisation include French, Spanish and Italian mysticism (Early Modern and 20th century), Feminist philosophy, French Theory, and topological concepts of space. She is one of the founding members of the transdisciplinary network “Simone Weil denkkollektiv” – an egalitarian, international platform that connects scholars, students, artists and many other persons working on the French philosopher/activist/mystic Simone Weil.


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Dieser Podcast wurde produziert am Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Idee & Beratung: Genderblog-Redaktion (aktuell bestehend aus: Sharon Anthony, Martina Bengert, Liesa Hellmann, Gabriele Jähnert, Kira Jürjens, Yumin Li, Lydia Romanowski, Clara Scholz, Susanne Spintig)

Intro & Outro
Stimme: Karen Suender (https://www.theapolis.de/de/profil/karen-suender)
Audioproduktion: Lydia Romanowski

Folge 7
Interview: Martina Bengert
Technische Umsetzung: Lydia Romanowski

Quellen / Sources / Licencing

Sounds Intro & Outro
(in Reihenfolge des ersten Erscheinens / in order of first appearance)

by jammaj, CC BY-NC 3.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by Aiwha, CC BY 3.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by Kyster, CC BY 3.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by lyubomir-ikonomov, CC0 1.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by old_waveplay, CC BY 3.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by Erokia, CC BY-NC 3.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by Robert Bar, Sampling Plus 1.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

by Suonho, CC BY 3.0, adaptation: sampled, remixed, changed format. source

Software Audioproduktion:

by Eduard Lefler, CC BY-NC 2.0, no changes applied. source

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