

Symposium “Writing and Theorizing the Queer Subject”

On 19 April 2024, the symposium “Writing and Theorizing the Queer Subject” will showcase a variety of topics on and approaches to doing queer theory and reading literature queerly at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Using different formats, the presenters will reflect on the role of literature and art in the exploration of queer subjectivity and the …
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Rache, Rächer*innen, Gerechtigkeit.

„Die Rache ist vielleicht die radikalste Spielform des Hasses, somit das ultimativ Verpönte […]“ (Kurt, 2023) – zumindest im Rahmen eines staatlichen Strafmonopols, wie Şeyda Kurt in ihrem Buch „Hass – Von der Macht eines widerständigen Gefühls“ erklärt. Interpersonelle Rache wird überwiegend delegitimiert und mit einem negativen Bild assoziiert, das dem Recht feindlich gegenübersteht (vgl. …
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Technology’s Bodies. Notes from the Technosomata Symposium 2021

How have technologies been transforming genders, sexualities and bodies since classical antiquity? How might prosthetics trouble the neat divide between embodiment and cognition? And is there anything really new about our current technologically mediated daily lives? The two-day Technosomata symposium took place online on July 5th and 6th of 2021 to grapple with some of …
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